Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mt. Redoubt

Right now Alaska is making the news over the erupting volcano Mt. Redoubt. Although the winds are blowing what little ash there is in other directions, Rosie is not experiencing any side effects from the volcano.
However, Rosie is equipped with a filter mask in her size, just in case there is any volcano trouble!


  1. You are so funny and such a smart alec! Should I send your address to the PETA people?

  2. awww a tiny parrot mask! it could be a whole new pet store niche! Parrot Apparel!

  3. What a well trained parrot! I am glad Rosie is ready for the volcano, what supplies does she have for other emergencies ie: earthquakes, floods or tornados?

  4. Love the mask! Too Funny! We can call her Volcano Rosie. This would make a good Halloween costume for parrots. How about Earthquake Rosie?
